Thursday, 30 October 2008

Comments Round-Up!

Wow, did I get an anonymous mention from an anonymous person in the BFP? That's all I ever wanted! I take everything back!
I also got anonymous comments! Does this mean that the ol' Bennington gossip train has picked up my blog as a passenger and been chugging along through the BFP staff? Does this mean that people are showing freshmen my blog and facebook page and telling them what a horrible person I am?
Oh no!

"fuck you" writes:
First of all, it is a freshmen perspective, meaning her own opinion as a freshmen at Bennington. You're an upperclassmen, so get the fuck off her back. Second, it's really stupid of you to say "sorry if you're reading this Connie", and then continue to rant shit about her.
Go keep on blogging you pathetic asshole, at least Connie has real friends who care about her instead of stupid fucking cyber fantasies of friends. Enjoy the rest of your life as a huge cock sucker you fuck!"

Dear fuck you,
First of all, it's my senior perspective on Connie's freshman perspective. Honestly, I don't know who Connie is and I didn't realize I was on her back. If one of these friends that you mentioned felt it was their friendly duty to show her my blog and her feelings are hurt than I apologize to her. If anything my comments on her article are only indicative of my own curmudgeonly bitterness and have absolutely nothing to do with her. Plus she's writing for a paper, which is more than I'm doing, so clearly she wins. Plus my mouth is full of dicks and I have no friends.

Speaking of fellatio, Leahliana writes:
"(Oh, and "Tipping the Velvet" is a pathetic attempt at gay fiction. If you want to read something halfway decent with queer themes, I suggest either Virginia Woolfe's "Orlando" or EM Forster's "Maurice".)"
Dear Leahliana,
Thanks for this addendum to a conversation I didn't realize we were having and thanks so much for edifying me about Virginia Woolfe and EM Forster. Being a literature student at Bennington, I've never been exposed to these writers or books. I'll be sure to mention them to the professor who assigned me Tipping the Velvet.

Constant Reader writes:

"It's not my fault the people love me!"

Dear Constant Reader,
I don't know who you are or what you are talking about.


Dear friends and cyber fanatasies of friends,
I don't want to fight. If I bothered to write a big long post in my personal blog about the BFP it's because I always look forward to the BFP and enjoy reading it. Like I sort of said above, I totally respect anybody who is even bothering to write for the BFP because I know it takes work and time. I keep a fucking travel blog - I obviously lose.
If that post was bitchy it is because I like mouthing off about my opinions like a cranky old man, but that doesn't mean that I think my opinions are more valid than anybody else's. And I love having long discussions about the things I'm opinionated about, so if you actually want to leave your name and talk about it, I'm totally down. Or - hey! - the BFP can write a scathing review of my blog! It's riddled with grammatical errors, self-indulgence and other things that should be making me blush. The power is yours, Connie Panzariello '12 - rip me a new asshole.
Hatchet: buried.

1 comment:

Sally said...

Nice! I think you should've let YouTube take care of it.