Saturday, 25 October 2008

Dream Journal vol. 2

Last night I dreamed my mom called me vain and I wrote her a letter saying that she, the name-caller, was the one in need of reprimanding. I was really hurt.
I was staying in a wooden cabin with guys from my high school and I tried to explain to them that I'd enjoyed the camping trip we'd just been on more than any other. Kush was incredulous.

Though everyone else slept in one room, I slept in a single with a giant picture of Laurie Anderson or some frizzy-haired '80s pop chanteuse on the back wall. Looking through the door's peephole you could only see her eye. If it was light and filled with a silhouette of a sailing ship the room was unoccupied.


I've been having a recurring dream of a Mike Patton album (sometimes with Mr. Bungle, sometimes with Fantomas) from 1999. It has a white cover with dark, inky arabesques from old marine biology textbooks. Inside there are pages of the CD booklet with flowery designs for each song followed by duplicate pages where the same designs are portrayed with Lite-Brite pegs. And the music is so fucking heavy and amazing! I want to listen to it right now!


I had a dream in which I was the "Vanna White" on a game show in which a famous Cocker Spaniel in a transparent polygonal box circled a conveyor belt before I put him in an airport x-ray machine.

Later I was feeding a pet rat a candy called Fancy Chocolate Meiths in milk. When I tried feeding the candy to the rat without milk I was surprised by it's power as it jumped and tore the bag open, scattering Meiths everywhere. The Meiths on the carpet mingled with rat shit. I sat on the floor, shocked at the mess, feeling powerless.


I dreamed I had to decorate the scaffold of an under-construction high rise building for a movie shoot starring stuffed-animal apes. I was given a bag of jump ropes to tie to the railings in order to make it look more "industrial." The jump ropes ended up supporting a large, haning object. I decided to tie the other end to a desk phone and snubbed the crew member who politely questioned my logic in doing this with a curt word and a quick retreat.


Last night I dreamed a girl I dated years ago was a transvestite. I tried not to act surprised.


Rachel said...

This girl I know saw Mike Patton in a crappy bagel shop here in SF.

D. Bow said...

I want to see Mike Patton in a crappy bagel shop! I bet he ordered his bagel by grunting in 7/8 time.