I've been spending my time here studying, drinking, saying goodbye and writing blog posts nobody reads.
Other activities:
- Sketching portraits based on people's Facebook photos, which is really just a big image library (if you're creepy).
- Reading my horoscope for 2009, as predicted by The Onion.
- Bulleted lists
- Trying to remember how to say "stabbed to death" in Old English for my test on Wednesday (it's "ofstingan")
- Listening to "Johnny Hit & Run Pauline" a gazillion times, by X, punk's cutest couple this side of Kim and Thurston:
- Discovering that dating is obsolete, courtesy of Mr. Charles Blow (...David Charles Blow??). That means if you haven't been going on dates much recently you're ahead of the curve. Go you! Go me!
- Spending all my UK pennies on a blank casette.
- Watching Top Gear and kind of understanding why it's the biggest show in the UK and not just a British Discovery Channel series. Kind of.
- Thinking about how I'm going to get to the airport but not actually planning anything.
- Procrastinating.
I want to see some of your Facebook Sketch Gallery! Also I thought you were going to Spain? Are you going to France, too? I can tell you how to ask for a grapefruit, and other things that have funny names in French.
I am going to Spain. I don't know why I wrote I was going to France. Probably because I did put this post up at, like, 3 in the morning.
Spain, France - what's the difference?
Christina said...
I read your posts! People read your posts! I like your facebook people sketches idea. I was thinking that today I'd draw pictures of everyone I know in baltimore. It might take me longer than I think it will, but not that long.
Thanks, Christina!
Yeah, it's been a good thing. It's so much easier to draw from pictures than from life because things don't move around. I'm so out of practice that even shifts in light and shadow are screwing me up. Plus facebook has all kinds of amazing pictures on it.
You know I read every single post you write. It's like a police song:
"Every pun you say/ every single day/ I'll be reading you...
Every post you write/ every single night/ I'll Be reading Youuuu"
And also, I also love the idea of facebook being a big image library for creeps. I use it to this end also, but using it for artistic purposes transoforms the creepiness into creative-ness, which makes it all okay.
Eva, that's so sweet! I was just listening to that song today. It's my favorite stalker-anthem of all time.
Yeah, Facebook is kind of like if you were able to go through all the physical photo albums in your friends' houses while they were away.
Except, in real life there wouldn't be photo albums labeled "Haircut" with 30 pictures of a new haircut.
That's kind of the nice thing, too, though. Because it costs nothing to get digital film developed, people take more and more superfluous pictures that normally would never get taken. And then they share them with the world (ie. me).
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