Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Obama Pixiefish Wishes You a Happy Pre-Thanksgiving

Hey, tomorrow's Thanksgiving! I'll be spending it with some Americans that I met. They like to cook and I like to eat so, basically, I'm set. This will be the second Thanksgiving dinner I've bummed this year as two other Americans cooked me a budget feast on Saturday. We had microwave chicken, potatoes, gravy, canned cranberry sauce, apple crisp and instant stuffing. Yum!

Wanna feel warm and fuzzy? Check out these pictures of Thanksgivings past Slate put up.

While I was on Slate I had to take a look at the political cartoons featured. Favorites include this one of the religious right, who apparently have changed their name tag post-election from "the voice of real America" to "prophets misunderstood in their homeland."

And this delightfully strange depiction of the Obama family in fish/pixie form:

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