Tuesday, 30 September 2008


CNN Headlines of the day:
"Close dancing, topless flashing great boy band," "Man punches shark" and, seriously, "How to hide from 'squid' people."

So guess what, blogosphere?
Yesterday I opened my Queen's email and found a lovely message from one of my three professors-to-be. He told me to "take it easy," because he wasn't going to be here for the first two weeks and we'd start class in mid-October. Yay!
And while I was taking it easy, he wrote, the only thing I need burden myself with is the task of reading five 500+ page Victorian novels.

Sure, why not; it's not like I came to Northern Ireland to ever leave my dorm room.

So for the past two days I've been hustling through Jane Eyre with The Cranford Chronicles, The Way We Live Now, and Tipping the Velvet on the horizon. Great Expectations gets the axe because I've already read it twice.
Plus, I have to watch the BBC adaptations which have always looked pretty dire. Christina liked them, though, so maybe they're ok. Plus, Tipping the Velvet is about lesbians, so it can't all be bad, right? And The Way We Live Now is a "radical exploration of the dangers associated with speculative capitalism," which sounds...
No, it sounds really boring.

So while all my little freshmen friends are going to clubs with fuck all to do, I'm rapidly trying to find out if Jane ever marries Lord Rochester.
And I have two other classes, both starting tomorrow.
And I have to go on a study abroad visit to live with an Irish family this weekend, so I can't just hole up and read.

Good Christ, St. Christopher, protect me now.


Maggie said...

The labels for this post are unreasonably good. Dave, despite your Victorian punishments, I hope you're having fun and making friends. That is, from what I hear, what Northern Ireland is all about!!

D. Bow said...

I am having fun and making friends, even though the weather just turned to gross.
But you are wrong - Northern Ireland is actually about reading Jane Eyre.
Will she marry Lord Rochester?? I have to know!