Sunday, 28 September 2008

Photojournal vol. 2

Hey dudes,
I'm posting more photos now of my initial Belfast arrival.
This is where Pat took us to the Catholic side of the peace wall.

A memorial

This house has a trampoline behind it. My guess is so bricks thrown over the wall will ricochet back over. Or, you know, to bounce on.

Pat took us to a Catholic church where he gave us 5p coins to dip in the holy water. This church's holy water, he said, was blessed by the Pope in Italy and shipped over specially. We're supposed to buy jewelry boxes to send home to somebody sick. I meant to do it, but didn't...

The Bobby Sands mural - according to Pat it's the most famous mural in the world.

These are all from a wall of other causes and people that the Nationalist Northern-Irish support (or don't).

Next... Derry!

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